Current C.O.W. Clients

Rolesytone Family Centre were the early onboarders of the COW System. We have had a long reationship with this vibrant hills community centre assisting them with development of new websites over the last decade.
They have a robust and involved community in the Perth Hills that love to attend one or more of their multitude of courses and classes each term. There is a strong leadership team keen to grow and evolve the centre and increase patronage in the area. They recognise the value of improving systems for the benefit of admin and clients alike.
They had been using an antiquated and expensive software system to keep track of attendances for government and funding reporting. Their manager recognised the benefits of having an integrated website and reporting system that allowed course bookings but also automatically accumulated the data for them, saving frustration and many hours when it came around to reports time.

Questions we asked Deanna White, the Manager of Roleystone Family Centre -
What are the most beneficial features?
"Enrolling people from the website saves so much time and being able to print out from there for class attendance on the day is a huge benefit. That and people being able to enrol when it suits them and not in office hours, works well for us. Report stats are a simple click away and no need to count numbers and people."
Is COW helpful for reporting?
"I believe manual reporting would be terribly messy and I don’t want to even image how time consuming it will be."
What are your thoughts on the Walk-Ins function?
"This feature is mostly used by the aging population as they struggle with computers a little more than others and it’s the perfect option for those random bookings."
What are the features of COW that you like the most?
Being able to record refunds, waiting lists and credits is also hugely beneficial to keep everything in one place and not lose track.
Collection of money can be a security risk The best part about this feature is its all tracible and accountable.

Minnawarra House is one of the longest established community centres in WA with over 35 years serving the Armadale community. Like all Neighbourhood and Community Resource Centres their focus is provide opportunities for local people to connect, socialise, make friends, learn, share skills and interests, and contribute to their community.
However while fulfilling their objectives it left little time to focus on updating administrative operations and keeping their website current. This is a story heard time and time again throughout not-for-profit organisations. Hard working staff and volunteers want to devote their resources to people. The team at Minnawarra have done exemplary work using the tools available to them but they recognised the need to update and upgrade their website and bookings system. And afer a word of mouth recommendation contacted COW.
After consultations and reviewing the centre's requirements it was decided a new website and integration of COW was the best option. With enthusiasm and mutual co-operation the new website was designed and developed and course and data uploaded to COW in time for the final term of 2024.

Mark Rojewski, the Office Manager and user of COW at Minnawarra House
" We are happy with both the website and the service provided by Web Wizards throughout the process. I have found the interface straightforward to work with..."